May 15, 2013

Swiss Chard Recipe

 A Healthy recipe for cooking Swiss Chard, that colorful green leafy vegetable that is full of different nutrients, and is quick, and easy, to cook. The nutritional value is amazing. Cancer patients, or anyone, that has low platelet counts need to eat a lot of protein and green leafy vegetables, and our Swiss Chard Recipe here is perfect for them.

May 3, 2013

My Homemade Spanish Tortilla de Patatas

Today I'm going to show you how to prepare a Spanish Tortilla de Patatas.

When it comes to tortilla, most Americans think about South American tortillas that are made out of corn dough and filled with different ingredients that suit each individual's personal taste.

This is not the type of tortilla I'm going to show you how to make today, the one that you're going to discover is the real tortilla, the Spanish one, made using sliced potatoes, onions and eggs. Mine will also include diced ham because I like some meat in my tortillas.

May 1, 2013

My Homemade Bolognese Sauce Recipe

Bolognese sauce with magic touch
The very first recipe I've learned in my life was my mother's bolognese recipe. It was quite easy to prepare, and I used to prepare this sauce since my 15th birthday as my mom worked outside and I wanted to help her have less work after her day job.

With time, I improved the recipe, added more vegetables, then also added my personal touch (mushrooms) and even more spices (tabasco and/or pili-pili). I also changed the type of meat and switched minced beef with minced porc so that the sauce was tastier and, hm... fatter ;)